Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

- Matthew 7:7-8

In life, we are sometimes afraid to ask for what it is that we need or to verbalize our request. Sometimes the fear of asking comes from a fear of rejection, a fear of feeling vulnerable, a fear of the truth, or even a fear that we may actually be granted what we want. And sometimes it can be as simple as we don't know what to ask for. God is a powerful figure in our lives, and it is natural to feel intimidating to make requests of Him. What is important is that we must remember that He is also our Father who loves us. Don't be afraid of having authentic, honest conversations with God.

Be aware that God may not necessarily grant you the exact thing you are thinking of, but give you what you are truly asking for in ways you may not have imagine. God sees in your heart and soul. He knows you ever so well. He is aware of what you are truly asking for. It can be so much better and so much more than you originally imagined.

To find what you are looking for, God is telling us to seek. There is a conscious act of going in search of the that which we want found. In the same manner, the door is opened for us when we knock. It takes courage and initiative. The common theme here for ask, seek, and knock is that it requires you to participate, and to take action. Take your first step confidently: Ask, Seek, Knock.

Reflection: What would you like to ask God for? Take a moment and identify what you would like to ask God's help on, and enter into prayer to make your requests known. Also ask God to help you journey in seeking for what you are trying to find, and to give you the courage to knock on the doors to have them be opened to you.


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