Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. 'You of little faith,' he said, 'why did you doubt?'

- Matthew 14:31

In Matthew 14:22-33, the Bible tells the story of Jesus walking on water. The disciples had just witnessed Jesus perform miracles in front of thousands, and they were on the boat crossing to the other side of the lake. Jesus stayed behind to pray and later walked on the water to join his disciples. Upon seeing Jesus walking on water in the midst of stormy conditions, the disciples first questioned whether Jesus was a ghost, and Jesus reassured the, telling them to not be afraid because He was there. Despite seeing Jesus performing all the miracles, the disciples were still questioning Jesus.

Peter, one of Jesus's disciples, asked in verse 28, "Lord, if it's really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water." This statement is always remarkable to me because instead of asking Jesus to perform other miracles, Peter asked Jesus to dare him to step onto the water, risking himself, taking himself out of the safety of the boat in the middle of strong wind and waves. Jesus asked him to come and started to walk on water like Jesus. Peter's faith and trust had helped him achieve the impossible! Then he lost his focus and instead looked at the strong wind and waves, became afraid, and started to sink. Peter cried out to Jesus to save him. Note that moment he came into trouble was the moment he started to lose faith and lost his focus on Jesus.

Jesus immediately reached out and caught him. Jesus had Peter. They returned to the boat, the storm calmed, and they recognized Jesus as the Son of God.

This passage had such depth and perspectives to consider. It was amazing to ponder how powerful Jesus is that He could perform miracles and walk on water in the first place, defying what we know is possible. It was good to see how even the disciples as close followers of Christ had doubts. It was meaningful to recognize that sometimes in life, we do ask God to take us through uncertainties and take us outside our comfort zones, sometimes achieving what appears impossible. It serves as a good reminder that the moments where we run into trouble are times when we lose sight of God. Lastly, it is reassuring to know that God has us, always. He is there to catch us. We only need to call out to Him. He is always there for us.

Reflection: God performs miracles everyday. What miracles have you seen him perform in your life lately? Are there places outside of your comfort zone you would to venture to? Ask God to give you the courage to achieve the challenge. Find ways to stay focused on God so that He can strengthen your faith and help you accomplish what you have set out to do.


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