“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

- Matthew 20:28

In life, many of us may choose to pursue success, find our purpose, and obtain leadership roles to acquire a life we desire. These are common and reasonable goals, yet in the Christian context, what does it mean to be a leader? How do we acquire ‘success’ in the kingdom of God?

This verse appears in the passage where a mother is requesting for her sons, James and John, to sit in places of honour next to Jesus. This was asked in the presence of other disciplines who also express their interest for favour and places of authority. Jesus was clear that leading a Christian life not only involves being prepared for bitter sacrifice, but that to be a leader means to serve others. Jesus is the ultimate example of the attitude of serving others as he gives his life to save us. Being a leader is not about being in a position of power and waiting to be served, but rather to have humility and bringing oneself down to the level of a ‘servant’ or a ‘slave’ to help others. Through various narratives, you can see Jesus exemplifying this servant leadership approach to demonstrate his love and care as a true leader.

Reflection: What are some ways in which you serve others to be a better leader at your work or in your community? What talents or skills do you have that can help serve others and make a difference?


We hope you have enjoyed this testimonial blog written by Karyn Lau for Christian Calm Radio. Christian Calm Radio is an online Christian radio music service for streaming Gospel music, Worship Praise music, Christian Choir and Christian Instrumental music hymns psalms Spirituals channels, and Christian audiobooks for Bible studies.