“Give your gifts in private, and your Father, who sees everything, will reward you”

- Matthew 6:4

During the holiday season, we are inspired to volunteer, to donate to charities, and to give gifts to our friends and family. While it is admirable to do good deeds and be generous to others, be aware, reflective, and honest about what our true intentions are. Whether we would like to admit or not, sometimes it can be easy to boast about 'how great we are' rather than focusing on how we are helping others.

In Matthew chapter 6, the first four verses the teaching is clear on being quiet and humble in giving. "Don't do your good deeds publicly to be admired by others, for you will lose the reward from your Father in heaven". The only person who matters in knowing is God. He knows all of what we do. By all means, feel encouraged to be giving and to help others. If we focus on completing the good deed to help others, rather than worrying about being seen or showing off, it will help direct our energy, resources, and time to make a greater impact.

Reflection: Consider how you share the news of you doing good deeds--whether it be in conversation, through demonstration, in public settings, or on social media. Ask yourself if it is necessary? What is the purpose of you sharing this information? Is it to meaningfully help promote a good cause and inspire others to join in your good deed or is it to promote yourself? When you are buying gifts this holiday season, consider the purpose of your gift giving and remember that the reward is not in being admired by others, but to show love, make a difference, and to focus instead on the reward in heaven.


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