“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.”

- Matthew 4:19

When Jesus met the two fishermen Simon Peter and Andrew during a walk along the Sea of Galilee. Despite having trouble catching fish all day, Jesus asked them to cast their nets down in deep water and they obeyed. When an abundance of fish was caught, Peter was astonished and recognized God’s power through Jesus, and fell on his knees in shame asking Jesus to turn away from him as a sinful man. Instead, Jesus calmed Simon Peter, told him to not be afraid, and invited both of them to follow Him and become ‘fishers of men’. They immediately left everything behind and followed Jesus. This is how the first disciples came to be.

In reading this passage, it is clear from the beginning of the verse that Jesus is asking us to walk with Him--asking us to put whatever we have preoccupying us behind and to follow Him. The disciples did so without a moment's hesitation. The terms, “fishers of men”, in the second part of the message is peculiar when you think about it. Yet, the term is actually extremely fitting and well suited to the occasion. This term is relevant as to who Jesus is speaking with, using terminology that both would understand. As fishermen, Jesus is also highlighting the importance of using the skills and talents of individuals in the service of doing God's work. Sometimes, we are afraid of stepping up, thinking we do not have the qualifications, experience, or knowledge to do the role. What Jesus is telling us though, is to just come as we are, and be fishers of men. With some translations and different books of the bible, the story sometimes uses the word ‘catching men’ instead. The idea, in some ways, is speaking to catching and saving men and women. God's work can be done through us.

God has shown us He has incredible power and everything is possible through him. All we have to do is walk with Jesus, use the talents we have, and help spread the message to bring the good news of salvation to others.

Reflection: Reflect on the passage in Luke 5:1-11, and consider -- how can you follow Jesus and use your talents to help be ‘fishers of men’? What would it mean to leave everything to follow Jesus?


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