“Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgement on disputable matters.”

- Romans 14:1

Faith is not a competition. By observing certain Christian traditions or rituals more closely, more diligently, more regularly does not make one 'better' than other Christian followers. While it is important that we encourage and support one another, it is also important to be aware that we are all humble servants of Christ. Our spiritual strength is dependent on our relationship with Christ.

In Romans, there is a recognition that we may not agree on all the practices, and we are called to accept others whose journey with Christ may be different than our own. Who are we to judge? For anyone who is perceived to be "weak" in their faith, will be made full in Christ. Later in the chapter, it is written, "Who are you to judge someone else's servant? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand."

Reflection: If you perceive your faith as strong, then pray for the wisdom to remain non-judgemental against others and to practice acceptance of your brothers and sisters in faith. If you perceive your faith as weak, then pray for the reassurance that you are strengthened and made whole by your Father in heaven. Regardless of where you are on your journey, accept where you are, be willing to learn, be eager to serve, and surrender yourselves to God's guidance. Practice being loving, being caring, and being inclusive.


This Devotional article was written by Karyn Lau for Christian Calm Radio. Join the Christian Calm Radio family today and enjoy glorious Christian music streams of Christian instrumental music, Gospel and Praise Music, Christian Hymns Psalms Worship Music as well as Christian Bible audiobooks with full-length versions of the Old and New Testaments.